Corporate Governance Structure
Corporate Governance Officer
The Company has passed a resolution on 2020/05/12 board meeting and has appointed competent and appropriate corporate governance personnel. The Company has established full-time financial officer, Chiu, Huei-Ling as responsible for corporate governance related matters.Chiu has accumulated over three years of financial manager expertise and experience.
Continuing education taken by the Director of Corporate Governance in 2024 is as follows:
The company has established a Chief Corporate Governance Officer who meets the eligibility requirements before the release of “Taipei Exchange Directions for Compliance Requirements for the Appointment and Exercise of Powers of the Boards of Directors of TPEx Listed Companies”and completed 12 hours of training hours in 2024.
Operational performance in 2024 was as follows:
1. Regularly informing the Board of Directors of the latest changes and developments of laws and regulations related to the Company’s business field and corporate governance.
2. Handling the operation of the Board of Directors and the functional committees according to laws.
3. Planning and implementing the director education courses.
4. Insurance and maintenance of directors liability insurance.
5. 2024 performance evaluation of the Board of Directors shall be carried out in accordance with the “Performance Evaluation Method of the Board of Directors” established by the Company.
6. Responsible for all matters related to the shareholders’ meeting.
7. Reviewing the achievement of corporate governance evaluation indicators and proposing the improvement plans and countermeasures for the indicators that are not achieved.
8. Overseeing the preparation of the 2024 Sustainability Report.
Preventing insider trading education promotion
The Company hosts educational awareness training pertaining to “Prevention of Insider Trading”,”Corporate Govemance Best Practice Principles” and relevant regulations at least once a year. Newly appointed directors and managers will be scheduled for these courses respectively. The Company’s current directors and management has undertaken the aforementioned education training on May 28, 2024. The course includes non-disclosure related issues regarding material information, the definition of insider trading, and case studies.